Sunday, February 1, 2009

not movie critics

i truly feel that i am my worst critic. i say this a lot when referring to my own work whether it be working with videos, pictures, or playing music. i feel like i am such a perfectionist and have that ideal look or sound in my mind and somewhere in the transfer from mind to material (so to speak) bits and pieces get lost, thus tainting it. i think this drives me to try and obtain this perfection which i know in the back of my mind that i will never get to that point but i can make little increments towards it.

i may be my worst critic, but i feel like i have become my best motivation too.


Leo and Jen said...

I hear yah! It's why I haven't finished the Venice picture yet. I'm afraid it won't be exactly the way I want it! It's why I don't sell my artwork too.... I always get done, step back, and think....crud... that's not what I wanted!

Andrew said...

No act is more selfish than that of creating art. And if art is anything less than selfish, anything less than completely satisfying to its creator, or aspires to satisfy anyone besides that creator, it is not worthy of being truly called art. This is the virtue of selfishness.

Matt Gilroy said...

Ahaha, you said taint...

Leo and Jen said...

So then Andrew... is God selfish? Because he is the creator of all.. and He said "It is good". Art should be done for His glory to reflect His glory, and essentially done by His glory. I would have to say art is anything but "selfish" in this case! When God had the temple created he game special artistic gifts to artisans. In turn they created beautiful ornate things. This gift was called Chrysma. Why would God give talent but to use it to our best of abilities and for Him. I'm sorry Mr. Andrew. I'll have to shoot that one down.
~Jen Hackett (artist) (Sorry Al for using your comment area as a rebuttle!)