So today Mike picked me up and we headed out to Hatcher's Pass and along the way we basically went treasure hunting. Lately every weekend Mike and his brother Stephan go out geo-cache hunting where people put the coordinates online and you download them to your GPS and you go looking for them.
It was a ton of fun. Sadly we were only 3 for 6 I think, but when you find one hiding under a rock or in a pile of bushes on the side of a mountain it is a rush. So when you find them you take something out and put something in it and hide it for another person. They are all over the country and world, I'm sure.
So the first cache we found I picked out me new friend that will travel with me, Sgt. Pepper. So you'll be seeing him pop up in pics now. We hiked up Fishhook Mountain today which was exhausting but magnificently beautiful, I forgot how pretty it is up here.
Enjoy the pics.